What is A Semi-Submersible Submarine?
Semi-submersible submarines are very popular marine craft that enable guests to see the ocean from underneath the water from a diver’s perspective whilst seated in the concave of the purpose built submarine.
It is called a semi-submersible as it does not dive to the bottom of the ocean like the fully submerged submarines that you see on the war movies this semi-sub has the top part of the water craft visible above the water and the submarines pilot sits up top in the cock pit so they can navigate their way around other water craft and reef systems.
To board the semi-submersible submarine you need to walk on the deck and then down approximately 6-10 steps to reach the concave of the vessel. Read this page if you have a mobility or disability. When you sit inside the seating is two persons side by side with large Perspex windows on each side so you are able to see the reef and marine life go by as your pilot cruises his way around the areas of interest speaking to all of the guests over the intercom system and telling you about the marine life species that pass by and the various types of coral before you.
You are submerged around about eight feet or one metre under the water and the beauty of it all is you do not even get wet and you get to see and experience it all with your friends and family at the same time.
Semi-subs are a great way for the smaller children and non-swimmers to see all that the Great Barrier Reef has to offer.
These semi-subs can carry up to 27 passengers for a 25-30 minute cruise. Some of the semi-subs are air conditioned and others allow fresh air to come in from above
Riding around viewing the reef in the semi-submersible submarine is a free and inclusive activity out on the reef pontoons ex Cairns Marine World, Great Adventures, and Sunlover Cruises, ex Port Douglas Quicksilver, and semi sub is an optional extra activity on Green Island, Frankland Islands, Evolution and Cruise Whitsundays on the outer reef.
When making your booking for the Great Barrier Reef please ask us about the semi-submersible submarine option so we may pre-book it for you if necessary otherwise on the outer reef pontoon boats the semi-sub tours will run every 30 minutes or as announced on the loud speakers.
We recommend that as soon as you arrive on the platform you line up for the first tour to give you an initial introduction to what you will be seeing and experiencing for the day and once you have done that then go off and collect all of your fins and other snorkel gear from the reef crew.
If you are a non-swimmer but still want to see the Great Barrier Reef have a look here at Scuba Doo where you can ride around the reef on an underwater scooter or have a look at Seawalker where you can actually walk on the bottom of the ocean with a helmet on your head whilst the fish swim all around you. Ocean Walker Helmet Diving is also available as on optional extra on all the pontoon reef tours. A glass bottom boat tour is also a great option for non-swimmers.
For more great non-swimming options to see the reef why not take a scenic helicopter ride out to the reef.
To book call today (07) 4059 5959 - we are open 7 days a week 364 days of the year.